Extend the social impact of your cultural centre


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Cultural promoters

Art, theatre and music are experiences that nobody should miss. 

The cultural centres that form part of the Apropa Cultura network have one thing in common: social commitment.

They make available 2% of their seasonal tickets to people in a vulnerable situation at a reduced price. 

This is a small contribution with a big impact.

Here you can find out how to become an Apropa Cultura cultural programmer and open the doors of your cultural centre to people at risk of exclusion.

What will you achieve by forming part of the programme?

  • Make access to culture normal.
  • Give an example of integration.
  • Add value to your cultural proposal.
  • Enhance your centre with new activities and formats.

The representatives of the cultural world know that they have the mission to transform the world. Participation in this initiative will mean that your work has greater repercussion in society.